Travis King
Culture + Brand Ambassador
Travis joined CORE Foodservice at its inception in 2009, and has worked collaboratively with John to develop the company’s strategic vision and culture. He has been actively involved in the integration and management of all functions of the heritage companies that make up CORE.
Travis has helped to create a youthful and fun organization where “execution is everything”!
- Graduated from the University of Wisconsin after six formative years
- Spent another formative year on Maui
- Has held a variety of sales & management positions with companies like Culligan, General Mills, Kellogg’s and Rich Products
- Has held multiple leadership roles at CORE Foodservice (VP, SVP, President & COO)
- Loves to WIN, hates to lose
- Travis lives in Park City with his wonderful wife and two children who are the center of his universe. He believes that success is achieved by taking your business very seriously, but not taking yourself too seriously.
Phone: 858-775-8921
Email: tking@corefoodservice